Wednesday, September 02, 2015

Meet Mr. P!

Here we are in the 2015-2016 school year!  Many of you know Mr. P from last year when he would substitute teach, but now, here he is in Room 17 to student teach!  Today, he shared his bag.
This is Mr. P with August, his new baby boy!  This is right after he was born, but today he is 8 days old!
Mr. P started by asking us if we knew the symbol on his cap.  It's a palmetto tree, which is a type of palm tree.  It's the symbol, along with the crescent moon, on the South Carolina state flag.  Mr. P is from South Carolina.
Central America on a Shoestring is a Lonely Planet book that Mr. P and his wife, Angie, used on a trip to Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama.  They were gone for 3 months!
This book, The Pearl by John Steinbeck, is Mr. P's favorite book...and Steinbeck in his favorite author.  He also told us he loves to read.
 This is a sock that is for August.  It's so tiny, but Mr. P told us it's actually a little large for him!
 This lego is in his bag because of Adeline, Mr. P's 2 1/2 year old daughter.  It's actually a Duplo Block, like a big lego.  Playing with these is something Mr. P and Adeline like to do together!

 Mr. P had us guess what this was.  It took awhile before someone, I think it was Jack, said a guitar tuner.  Mr. P said he'd like to bring his guitar in to Room 17 sometimes and play for us and we can sing. 

 This apple was in his bag because he used to work as an Orchardist.  He would prune, thin, and harvest fruit for other people in their orchards.  He also told us that he loves apples.

 This toy is one of Adeline's.  When you turn it over, it makes a moo sound, like a cow.  He told us that this is what it sounds like outside his house.  There are a lot of cows and twice a day, they have a 'cow parade' while they're moving from one spot to the other. 
 This is definitely something Mr. P loves...
coffee beans!
He said he loves coffee...drinking it all the time.  He called it the 'sweet, sweet nectar of life'!
That definitely sounds like he loves it!

 Last but not least, Mr. P showed us these two Big Foot figurines.  You can see that one of them is dressed like a bride.  These were on top of his and Angie's wedding cake.

Wow!  We learned so much about Mr. P..
and we're so fortunate to have him in Room 17!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We would sure love to have August and Adeline come visit Room 17!!!
