Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Meet Ramiro!

 Meet Ramiro!
I think there were quite a few of Ramiro's buddies who knew what he was going to pull out of his bag.  Ramiro was excited to show us this jersey!
He told us this is his first jersey.  He likes footbll and it's pretty comfortable when he's playing.

I had him turn it around.  Many schools have the Panthers as their mascot.  On the other side of the jersey, was Ramiro's last name...and that's something that doesn't go on the blog!
 Ramiro modeled his headphones for us.  He said he loves to listen to music.
He has his own comuter and he likes to plug the headphones into it and listen to music.
 This is a PS3 controller.
Ramiro told us he has two PS3's and one PS2.  
He said he loves PS's  (I think that stands for Play Station?)
 Some of our football fans erupted when Ramiro showed this.  
Like we said, he loves football.
He asked me if I wanted to take a picture of the disc.
Of course, I did!

Last but not least, was another PS3 game.  This time it's basketball.
Ramiro told us one thing he really likes about this game is the shot meter.  That tells you if you made the shot.  Quite a few Room 17ers agreed with him.

Ramiro, we enjoyed hearing about you...
and your love of sports and video games!

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