Saturday, October 20, 2007

Don't you just love it when people smile?

Well, congratulations to Branndon for correctly identifying a select group of Room 8'ers by their eye!

Here's another puzzle for you...can you identify these 6 Room 8ers by their smile?

Person #1:

Person #2:

Person #3:

Person #4:
Person #5:

Person #6:
Give it a try... can you name all 6?


Anonymous said...

No clue but I think number 5 is Carlo. Kristin

Anonymous said...

wow-this one is difficult!!
#1 Casey O
#2 Devin
#4 Jacob
#5 Carlo
Did we get even one right????
Maddy and Rachel

Anonymous said...

oops-we think #3 is Jacob and
# 4 might be Emily
Maddy and Rachel

Judy said...

Ah, Kristen,#5 is definitely Carlo.

Maddy and Rachel, you got more than one correct. #1 is Casey O., #2 is Devin, #3 is Jacob, #4 is Emily, and #5 as you can see above, is Carlo.

Ok, guys, who is #6?

Anonymous said...

I think #6 is Branndon
Amy (Kam's mom)

I was also considering: Trevor & Kyle

Judy said... complete the list! #6 is definitely Branndon!

Anonymous said...

#6 Brandin sincerly, Kamren

Anonymous said...

#1=casey o
didwe even get one right????????????????????????????? brenda shawna
