Wednesday, October 24, 2007

We're learning to play the recorder!

Every Wednesday at 2:40 p.m., Room 8 goes to music with Mr. R. Each student was given a recorder to use for the school year. Today, most Room 8'ers had a test to see how they played a song.
Looks like Mary has her recorder in 'rest position.'
Dillon and Michael watch Trevor as he's taking his test.
Listening to Mr. R give us instructions.
Kamren takes his turn playing a song.
A few Room 8ers would take their test, then we'd all play a song together, which is what is happening here. Um? I wonder if Mae forgot her recorder?
Edin and Branndon are trying to figure out how to hold their fingers for a certain note.

All the 4th and 5th graders will have a concert in ... think it's in January. Now, here's some video of them playing today... you may want to replay this in January before the concert to see how much they've improved.


Anonymous said...

You guys are doing a great job! I can't wait to hear how you all sound in January!!

Mrs. S

Judy said...

You will be AMAZED at how well they sound in January!