Wednesday, September 02, 2015

Meet Ashley!

Meet Ashley!
Ashley is taking a class at the local high school called 'Elementary Aide.'  She comes to our classroom during our 'B-block' time to work with us for an hour.

She shared her bag today.  The first thing she showed us was this lanyard that says "Go Ducks."  She's dreamed about going to the University of Oregon since she was something like 5 years old!  
It's also a dream to go there on a full ride scholarship and play softball!
Ashley is a die-hard Raiders fan.  She got to go to her first Raider's game two years ago. 
This is a key-chain that has stitching that looks like the stitching on a softball!  This is a symbol of how Ashley loves softball and for the fact that she collects key chains!
She also likes turtles!  I think this was a key chain, too.  This summer, she and her mom took a girls' road trip.  Her favorite place was Huntington Beach.  I think that's where she got this turtle!
This anchor is her favorite symbol.  She told us she hangs it in her truck.

This summer, Ashley went to Boston with her mom, Rhonda, and her brother, Austin.  She went to Fenway Park and also got this little baseball!
This pink highlighter was in Ashley's bag because she loves to highlight and color code things.  She showed me the book she's reading for school that had different colors of highlighted passages. 

Ashley used to play soccer.  She played her freshman and sophomore year.  Her mom calls her a 'sport-a-holic!'  This picture was when she played.
This is a picture of Ashley and her brother, Austin.  They were going to the Sadie Hawkins dance.  Ashley told me she set this picture up...and it's her favorite!

Ashley's position is pitcher for her softball team.  She's on a year-round softball team!  This picture is from her high school softball team.  She's been on the varsity team for her freshman, sophomore, and now for her junior year!  
She also plays 2nd base and outfield, but her main position is pitcher!
Ashley's boyfriend's name in Emmanuel...and he plays football.  This picture was last year when they went to the Winter Formal.  Ashley might bring him into Room 17 so he can meet us...and we'd like to meet him!
This was the last item in her bag.  She said it was her favorite picture...and it's one of her when she was about 2 years old...and she's with her dad!  
That is definitely special...
just like Ashley is definitely special!

We are so excited to have her with us!


Anonymous said...

Oh Ashley, it's so much fun to have you in Room 17!

Unknown said...
