Thursday, September 27, 2012

Learning the western states

 Zoe and Sawyer

Today the fifth graders, after a review of the western states, were quizzing each other...
 Cole and Jade

 One of them would point to a state...the other would tell them the name...
 Jason and Mikayla

 Then they would ask the capital of that state...
 Ashlynn and Caleb

Pairs took turns quizzing each other...
 Elaine and Trenton

 just on the western states...

Hannah and David...they were here, too...but by the time I got around to taking some photos, they were finished....and were working on their homework.  I meant to go back and take a pic of them....but oops...I forgot! 

Learning all the states ... and their capitals... is one of our goals! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i loved the bread!!!!!!