Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Gretchen Rose

 Gretchen Rose...

Room 5 is fortunate to have Gretchen join Room 5 for the first part of the morning.... She told us that her dad wanted to name her Gretel...but she became Gretchen instead.  She didn't like her name when she was younger, but now she likes it and its uniqueness. 

'Rose'...was her great-grandmother's name.  Her great grandmother was still doing handstands when she was 82 years old!  Can you imagine? 

Gretchen has 2 children:  a 4th grade daughter, Emily, and a 2nd grade son, Cody.  They keep her busy with all their sports.
 Gretchen has been married to Gary for 10 years.  This is a picture of them...
 She had this game 'Just Dance 2' in her bag...because she loves it!  She's also good at the dancing and when she does it with her kids, she doesn't let them win!

Gretchen also loves San Francisco...and the Golden Gate Bridge.  She said she loves the bridge and is obsessed with it.  Whenever her friends to the city, they'll take pictures of it for her or get her something with the bridge on it. 

She has lived in our county for her entire life.  She loves the beach and loves to collect agates. 
 Gretchen told us she loves to play board games .  This one is called 'Spot It.'  She said she loves the game, that it's so fun...and she can carry it in her purse. 
This started a great discussion in Room 5.  For 3 years, Gretchen has been part of the Susan G Komen walk for Breast Cancer.  She has walked for the cause in San Francisco, Seattle, and San Diego.  There are 3 on a team...and Gretchen has raised over $14,000!  Each team of 3 walks 60 miles for one of the walks! 

Our discussion carried over to a walk for St. Jude's in Memphis.  Hopefully, Room 5 and/or our school will have a team for that walk!

We loved hearing and learning about Gretchen!


Anonymous said...

I like your cyclops. Its cute. :D

Anonymous said...

cool bag i liked it