Wednesday, September 04, 2013


 Meet Bevin!
 Bevin started with this book, telling us how she loves to read.

She had a picture of her baby sister sitting in their backyard smiling!

She also had a photo of herself with her cat, Mr. Nicholas.  Mr. Nicholas has on a red shirt and acccording to Bevin, "He's adorable!"
She also had a statue of a cat...a 'good luck cat statue.'
 This is a can of fish food.  She has lots of guppies who are doing really good.

Bevin had a pencil in her bag because she loves to write songs and stories!
A statue of a horse was in her bag because she LOVES horses.  She said she'd like to ride one someday.
However, the next item was a picture of her on a horse.  She said she's only done it once.

A camera was in her bag because she said she "LOVES, LOVES, LOVES to take pictures and stuff!

Bevin would 'LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to be a marine biologist someday.  To illustrate this, she brought in a little dolphin, telling us how she loves marine animals.

A paintbrush was also in her bag.  She loves to paint.  She told us that in her home, are a lot of pictures hanging that she painted!
This CD was in her bag because she loves to listen to music!

She also had a crystal.  She just found it one day when she was looking for dinosaur bones!  Now, she LOVES crystals...a LOT!

Bevin brought a bead and told us it was an ancient fossil bead.  She got this at a gift shop.

She also had a that you can put up to your ear and hear the ocean.

A scarf was included in her bag.  Her dad got it for her.  She really likes it because it has zebra and leopard stripes.

Last but not least, Bevin had a "really beautiful bracelet that my dad got me one day...and it's really cool!"  She told us she was really into jewelry.  One thing she really likes about this bracelet is how it jingles.  She told us her cat likes it too! 

Wow!  Bevin had a lot of fun things to share.  What fun it was to learn more about her!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I Love Your Book!