Monday, September 16, 2013


 Meet Elias!

I took this photo of Elias to see if I had enough light.  I don't like to use a flash...and look at this..a great picture of Elias!
 Elias started off with this Star Wars ship.  He told us his big brother got it about two years ago.  
 Next was a geode.  Elias told us he went to a 'rock/crystal store' with a friend.  He thought this would cost more, but it only cost $5.

He also had a set of wheels that surprised me.  I couldn't believe they fit in his bag!  Anyway he told us they were from his skateboard...which he likes to ride.  He also told us about a surfboard - not a real surfboard - that he wanted to bring, but it was too high up in the garage.

Elias showed us some pictures he drew of skeletons.  He said he has hundreds of others he's drawn.  He also showed us a page he printed off the internet that I guess he used as a reference to draw the skeletons. 

When he pulled out his "Garbage Pail Kids" cards, Room 5 erupted with delight.  Um?  I don't know about that!  They were all saying how much they LOVED them...and how they had some too.  Elias started reading some of the names off and Room 8 was just laughing.  I'm not too sure what they are...but they were a hit!
 Elias then pulled out this stack of money!  He told us he had 'dollars from the Philippines and Costa Rica.'  He said his dad's boss has given him '$13,000 in bills.'  He showed us 2000 'dollar bills'....and '100 dollar' bills... so we had a little discussion in room 8 about exchange rates.  In Thailand, 3000 Baht (their money is the Baht) is equivalent to about $100.  Huge difference! 

Elias also had a crystal, a piece of jasper, and some other cool rocks.  He showed us a piece of pyrite that he found on the road when he was walking by his friend, Nathan's, house.  He also had some 'fool's gold' and a Tiger's Eye!

These are coins from his grandpa. 

Elias' parents just thought of the name Elias and thought it was a cool name.  His middle name is hard to pronounce he told us, but it's the name of a famous wizard in a book!

How fun it was to learn more about Elias!


Anonymous said...

I like your bag a lot and I like your STAR WARS space ship a lot !!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

you have a lots of cool money