Wednesday, September 04, 2013


 Room 5 is getting ready to do an investigation into fingerprints. You'll definitely be hearing about it next week!  Our little sleuths will be taking some fingerprints of family members.
Cody and Aarin

 Today, we practiced taking our own.  Students worked with a partner.  Each person made a dark patch of graphite...pencil lead...on a piece of tagboard.  Then they rubbed a finger over it.  Their partner took a piece of scotch tape and placed it over the middle of their finger where the prints are.  Then it was transferred to a piece of scratch paper...and labeled. 
 Kathryn and Jaya
 Kai and Lacie
 John and Lucas

 Kai and Lacie...again!
Athena and Veronica
 I asked everyone to do their thumb...and then however many other fingers they had time for.  They were to label them.
 Our investigation will continue....


Anonymous said...

I wonder if fingerprints are inherited?

Mrs. J

Anonymous said...

Finger printing was awsome!!!!!!!!!

Jayden :0

Anonymous said...

Fingerprinting was so much fun!!!
