Tuesday, September 02, 2008


Room 8 is extremely fortunate to have Caryn as part of our 'family'! Today Caryn told us a little more about herself.

We knew she was in the right room when she held up this chocolate bar! We did notice that it was milk chocolate...while Mrs. Johnston's absolute favorite is dark chocolate.Now Caryn didn't actually start off with the chocolate... she started off showing us her KEYS. She told Room 8 that it was awesome once you got your driver's license. She said she loves to drive...and she has an Audi.Caryn also loves volleyball, being on the varsity squad for 3 years... well, THIS is her 3rd year. She is a setter. Now, that caused a little discussion in Room 8 about what a setter was...and about volleyball in the Olympics.
Caryn shared her jersey... she's #2 - at least she's number 2 on the volleyball squad. She's #1 in Room 8's eyes!

She has her first game tomorrow evening at 6:30!


Anonymous said...

she is awesome!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

I love Caryn who doesn't