Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Let me introduce Shane! Shane started his bag with some pictures. We saw his older sister, Brittany, who works in Kids' Club and one of her in Spain. We saw his little sister, Joann. Shane was also proud to show a picture of him... after his haircut. I didn't know Shane with long hair, but it seems to have been a big moment in his life when he cut it.

Looking at this first picture may make you wonder what in the world Shane is doing. Well, he's balancing a bird... he told us it had weights inside that helped it to balance. Shane is fascinated with things of nature. This is a necklace with a SCORPION inside. His sister gave it to him. I'm not sure which sister, but I'm assuming it's his older sister, Brittany. Room 8 was impressed with this and a big discussion started about scorpions...which led to insects in general until Mrs. J said, "Now, Room 8, let's keep going!"
Shane also likes soccer. He brought his first medal he received when he was on a team called the "Tigers!"
This last picture is a Thunder Egg that Shane got in Oregon. Some of us were curious what makes a Thunder Egg a Thunder Egg. Shane told us that it looks like a normal rock on one side, but is polished on the other. Well, Austin J said he had a rock like that, but it was called a geode. That led to a discussion in Room 8 about the difference between a geode and a Thunder Egg. Austin J told us a geode is not polished...that you can try to polish it, but it just doesn't really work. Well, their teacher certainly didn't know that.
Thanks, Shane! I love it when I learn something new!


Anonymous said...

A lot of people collect rocks wasey

Anonymous said...

A lot of people collect rocks wasey