Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A Simulation... the Bus Evacuation Drill

Room 8 learned what a simulation is.

Then we had the Bus Evacuation Drill. For most of us, it was a review of the bus rules, and a review of what to do if the bus had a problem. We loaded Bus 5 with Mrs. K's 4th grade.

One of the bus drivers talked to us about the safety of the bus...
and what to do if we have an earthquake while we're on the bus...
and we learned how to evacuate the bus. As you can see here, we're JUMPING out of the bus.
This is certainly not the recommended way to exit a bus... except in an emergency.
Come on Kaia...
After exiting the bus, we're suppose to go about 100 yards away, face the bus, and line up. We weren't too sure how far 100 yards was, so fortunately, a cone had been put there for us!

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