Wednesday, September 17, 2008



This guy did an absolutely TERRIFIC job of sharing his bag. He told us WHY he had each item in his bag...and I still have no idea how he got so many things in the bag. It reminded me of Mary Poppins pulling out lamps and everything else out of her carpet bag!

I'm digressing.

Spegi is a fan of reptiles...and his favorite reptile is the scorpion! He showed us this one...that lost its tail in the bag. Poor scorpion:(
Next came the wrestling trophy that he won in 2008. He got it at a party at Round Table Pizza. He also brought some wrestling medals to show us. Can you tell that wrestling is his #1 sport?

Spegi likes other sports too. He loves basketball - and that's his 3rd favorite sport. His second favorite sport is... football! Baseball is his 4th favorite sport, and the Giants are his favorite team. He brought this little cozy that has the Giant's logo. He said the holder was for drinks, but he just got it because he likes the Giants.

Spegi brought a shell casing and told us how he likes to hunt. He also enjoys riding dirt bikes and playing video he also brought his PSP. Besides play games, you can listen to music and watch videos on the PSP. Wow!

Something else Spegi enjoys is playing with Legos. I loved hearing brought back memories of my boys playing legos.

Spegi told us his grandfather had been a viking... and had sailed on ships since he was 12 years old! His dad was a viking before him! Spegi brought this wrist band of his grandfathers to show us how large his wrist was. Look at that!

Spegi also told us he likes know, like policeman. He brought a pair of mini-handcuffs to illustrate this. He also brought necklaces. One had marbles on it...and that's his favorite. You can change the marbles around. Pretty cool, uh?

He also likes to skateboard. He has 31 of these little "Tech-deck dudes." Here's one of his 31:
Other items Spegi brought in:
* a dollar, because he likes money! He also likes to spend it on video games.
* A bookmark with Boomer Jack on it. He loves to read.
* 1 IPod, although he has 3 of them! He likes to listen to music.
* rocks... Spegi likes rocks and collecting them. He thinks he gets this from his mom. He
especially likes to collect agates.
Would you believe ... Spegi likes gum. He told us he brought the container to show us. But, oops, when he shook it, he realized there was gum inside. He promised he wouldn't chew it at school.

Thanks for a great bag, Spegi. We enjoyed hearing all about you!

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