Sunday, September 14, 2008


Meet Nicole! Nicole started off telling us about her family and showing us some photos. You can see her and her twin sister, Ashley (who is also in Room 8) in this one. She had some pictures of them at Alcatraz and also some with their friend, Brittany (a former Room 8er) at an American Idol concert in Sacramento! Now THAT would be fun!

Nicole also likes to play soccer. She's on a D-3 team and actually has 2 tournaments coming up. She brought her jersey to show us. We found out a lot of Room 8ers are on soccer teams!
Now since we're talking about soccer, you may think this trophy is from soccer...but it's not. It's from dance. Yep, Nicole is a dancer. She's taken jazz for 5 years and tap for 3 years. Unfortunately, she didn't demonstrate her dancing for us. RATS!
Nicole loves music and likes to listen to it on her iPod. She has an iPod Shuffle. Room 8 was talking about battery life...and Nicole told us her iPod battery will hold a charge for 2 weeks! Mrs. J was impressed with that!
We learned that Nicole loves jewelry, especially bracelets. She brought one made from Puka shells. Their friend, Brittany, gave it to her. She got it in Hawaii. She had another bracelet from Hawaii too! She had another bracelet from her grandma. She also brought a charm bracelet. She was telling us how you can put things on it that you like.

Nicole also brought a beautiful necklace. It had a green stone. She told us the stone was called a peridot...and it's the birthstone for August, which is her birthday month.

It was fun learning about Nicole!


Anonymous said...


It is such fun to see what things are important in your life. You are such a bright, warm, and caring young lady. Your "shuffle" is adorable!!

Ms. C (your favorite Kindergarten teacher)

Anonymous said...

ohhh nicole she was so sweet i miss her sooo much
casey oneal