Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Meet Sarah!

Sarah brought some pictures to share. She showed us a friend of hers that moved away, some fish at the hatchery in Birney, her family and their dog named Max, and a picture of her dressed as an Indian princess! I can't tell, but I think this first picture must be of the fish hatchery. Am I correct, Sarah?Sarah also loves to swim. I'm not sure how often she goes...or even where she swims, but I know she must wear goggles - at least sometimes. She brought them to share with Room 8.
Look at this little stuffed polar bear! Isn't it cute? Sarah likes polar bears. Have you ever seen one, Sarah? I don't think I'd want to meet one face-to-face, but a stuffed animal is adorable!
I believe Sarah likes to write. Mrs. L said she brought a notepad with jewels. Oh, I would have loved to have seen that. She also brought a piece of obsidian from Lava Beds National Park. Is that in Idaho? I think I've even been there, but I'm not sure where it is.

Sarah also likes to read. She brought the book, Double Fudge, by Judy Blume. That book is hilarious!

The last thing Sarah shared was a shell. Other people find shells, but not only did Sarah find this one, but she also cleaned it out!

It sounds like we learned a lot about Sarah!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LavaBeds nationalpark is in northern California[east of Mt. Shasta]!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sarah