Tuesday, September 02, 2008


Danny is what I would call "all boy!" He is an outdoor guy. Look at some of the things he shared:

A SHARK... yes, you read that correctly, a SHARK. He told us his grandfather bought it for him in Wyoming. Many Room 8ers were wondering what kind of shark it was. I believe some of them decided it was a leopard shark. Kobe seemed positive about that.
Ok, don't faint. Danny also brought a CROCODILE...at least just the head. Oh my! Someone asked him if the teeth were sharp. Danny looked at them and said, "If you mash down on them they are." I was curious if maybe Danny had been to Australia, but he said No, his grandma got it for him in Minnesota! I had no idea you could find crocodiles in Minnesota!Danny also told us he loves dogs...and he has some dogs... some to the number of 13. Yep, that's right. Danny has 10 hound dogs, 1 rat terrier, 1 'wierd kind of dog', and 1 bloodhound. I thought a bloodhound would be a hound dog, but Danny made a distinction between the two. He told us a little about the bloodhound. Apparently it was run over when it was just a puppy and had to have surgery.

Now Danny may look like your average guy, but look at this next picture:
Doesn't he remind you of Michael Phelps in the Olympics with all the medals around his neck? Danny just brought these, but there are SO MANY MORE at home. He had mostly 1st place medals. They are all for WRESTLING! We all learned a lot and were impressed with Danny - and all his medals!

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