Monday, September 08, 2008


Before school started, one of my up-and-coming students came in to meet me and check out Room 8. He told me his friend, Wesley, was in our class.

"No, there's no Wesley in our class," I answered.

Fast forward to the first day of school. 'Michael' is sitting at his desk. I had put name tags on all the desks so they would know where their seat was AND to help me learn their names quicker. At one point in the day, 'Michael' points to his name tag and said,

"Does THIS mean I have to go by Michael?"

"Isn't that your name?" I asked.

At that point, some Room 8ers informed me his name WAS Michael, but NO ONE calls him that. Everyone calls him Wesley.

So, then I knew...

I've learned a lot more about Michael Wesley since that day, and today Room 8ers learned even more. We found out he loves football - although most people already knew it. He is actually on the same team with Austin J, who also shared his bag today.
As you can see from this picture, Wesley also loves baseball. He brought his baseball trophy with his HOMERUN BASEBALL.... yes siree, and it's not just any ole homerun, it's a GRAND SLAM homerun. I could tell there were some Room 8ers who were....well, not at all impressed with this revelation. So...I asked, "How many of you don't know what a GRAND SLAM is?" My, oh my, there was probably 1/3 or 1/2 of the class who didn't know. Time for a little baseball learning to take place. Some of our boys were thrilled to explain. I believe it was Orion...maybe Kacey...who wanted to know if this was an over-the-fence GRAND SLAM homerun or an in-the-park. It was an in-the-park!

Wesley also brought a deck of cards, telling us he likes to play WAR! His mom also works at a casino. He also brought a....well, it was like a little frame that had an Indian head penny on one side and another penny made in the same year Wesley was born, on the other side.
This last picture is a 50 cent piece coin. Wesley told us it was "in pretty good condition." It's special to Wesley because his grandpa gave it to him. Someone asked Wesley, "How much could you sell it for?"

Wesley's answer, "I'm NOT!"

End of discussion!

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