Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Look at this sweetheart... reaching in deep to her teacher's heart by holding up a chocolate bar! Summer made a point of telling us that it wasn't DARK CHOCOLATE, but she wanted to bring in a chocolate bar and that's all they had. One of our dear Room 8ers made a comment that the bar looked ... well, old. "Oh, it's been in the freezer," answered Summer.

Summer also LOVES to read. She brought the book World's Dumbest Criminals. She even read a short story to us. She read that in 1993, some guy broke into a glue factory in Brazil. Before he could steal anything, the fumes overtook him and he passed out. He knocked over some glue, which ran out on to the floor and glued the criminal to the floor! Summer told us this wasn't her favorite book, but it would fit into her bag, so she brought it.
Summer also brought her Girl Scout badge because she does Girl Scouts.
She also brought a rabbit stuffed animal - because she likes rabbits.
She brought 2 pencils because she likes to write and draw.
She brought a glass fairy because she collects them. I asked Summer if she collects fairies... or glass fairies... she said glass fairies.

She also brought her soccer trophy because she likes soccer. She's been playing 5-6 years. This last time, she was on a team called 'The Sweethearts.'

Summer also collects Littlest Pet Shops. Moriah said you could just call them LPS's. OK. This sea horse is Summer's favorite:

Summer loves fish...and has three of her own: an angel fish named 'Angel', a feeder fish named Heidi, and a goldfish named Marbles. (Marbles is a calico fish... fish calico.)

We had fun listening to Summer tell about her bag.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I truly loved this brilliant article. Please continue this awesome work. Regards, Duyq.