Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Scholastic News

Scholastic News is a magazine I subscribe to for Room 8. Each week, each student gets their own copy. We read it together, or they read it alone, or sometimes I let them read it with a partner. We usually have some questions to go along with it. I feel it's a great tool for teaching how to read for information. The articles aren't long, so it's easier to go back and find the information.

This year, at least until November, we'll have a lot of articles on the presidential race. We've already had some discussions...and we'll be voting soon - by secret ballot, of course!Wasey and Sam were working together.
I can't remember who Vanessa's partner was...probably Kacey since he sits next to her.
One of the weekly features is the Debate of the Week. These are a situation that 4th graders could find themselves in. This week was on students getting paid for their grades - by the school! I was impressed that most Room 8ers said, "No, students should not get paid for their grades." There was a variety of reasons.Austin J and Faith worked together.

Did you know we're losing Faith? I'm so sad...she's moving to another town... :(


Anonymous said...

I am sorry that Faith is moving away. She has been a great member of Room 8. I know she will be missed!
Mrs. C.

Anonymous said...

I did not see me.