Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Searching some more on our scavenger hunt

Today was our second day of the "Scavenger Hunt through the Books." I love walking around and listening to the groups work together and decide what book to look in for a particular question. Look at all the books:
Wasey decided to check the science book to find what "solar energy" was...
Kaia was trying to find where the 'Yazoo River' was located. Have you ever heard of the Yazoo River? Just ask Kaia to show you where to find it.
Vanessa was looking at an experiment or activity in the science book.
Austin was pretty excited over this whole scavenger hunt experience. Unfortuantely, he had to attend a SF 49ers football game last week instead of being in Room 8 scavenger hunting! :)
Here's a better picture of Austin J. See that grin on his face? He would much rather be in room 8 than any ole football game!
Here's Faith... who looks so much like my granddaughter, Thalia. Faith also missed our scavenger hunt last week, only she wasn't watching football instead.
Look at this last photo. I just love it. Friends helping friends.... Orion and Abby were working together...
I absolutely love the students in Room 8!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

