Sunday, September 14, 2008

Moriah..."with an o"

Moriah has had to remind me a couple of times that she is Moriah with an 'o'. I have had Mariah's before in Room 8, but they've spelled it with an 'a'. So I have made a couple of spelling errors! So sorry, MOriah!

Moriah brought some photographs to share with us. She showed us a photo of her half-brother in Colorado who is getting a cell phone! We also Grandma Debbie and Grandpa David. There was a photo of her family at a wedding when Moriah was the flower girl... and another family photo with Brendan, a former Room 8er!

Moriah brought one of her stuffed animals since she likes to collect them! She also likes to take pictures, as you can see from this picture below. We pretended to take a picture of each other. I actually did take a photo, but Moriah didn't have any film.
Moriah also likes to swim. She brought her swim cap to show us. She doesn't always like to wear it. She told us when she doesn't, sometimes her hair will turn GREEN! Sometimes her mom will put cream rinse on her hair to help it not turn colors. She told us that even though you wear a swim cap, it doesn't keep your hair completely dry.
Moriah took her swim cap out to show us, but here it is in the bag. It's a silver cap!

The last thing Moriah talked about was erasers. She brought one of a monkey because it was cute...and funny!

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