Sunday, September 14, 2008

Mrs. T

Mrs. T is definitely a proud Mom! She started her bag by showing us a picture of her family. Besides being a great mom, she's wonderful with Room 8ers! Mrs. T worked with me last year and I was desperately hoping we would work together this year!
Don't get scared...this is Mrs. T. Her son, Talin, likes to become different characters. For example, some days he is Buzz Lightyear...or maybe he'll be Batman. Mrs. T told us that Batman is Talin's most common character. He also likes to be Optimus Prime. That's the mask Mrs. T has on.
Mrs. T also loves to read to her children. This is one of her favorite books.
Mrs. T also brought a flashlight. They like to go camping and every camper needs a flashlight! They have a camp trailer. Doesn't that sound like fun?

I thought I took a picture of Mrs. T with 'Silky Baby'. It used to be her stufed animal, but now it belongs to her daughter, Kylee. (I hope I spelled that correctly!) Kylee is 5 years old and in kindergarten and just loves school. She has also just learned to ride her bike without training wheels! Ridng their bikes together is Mrs. T's family's favorite activity to do together.

We are so fortunate to have Mrs. T with us this year!

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