Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Meet Joel.

He's a tennis player. Now I know you play tennis with a racket, but Joel didn't bring a racket, he just brought the tennis ball. When he was showing it to us, Room 8 said, "Joel, act like you're throwing it." Thus, the first picture!
Joel has a Game Cube, but he's also going to get an X-Box. He has the game, Bustin Out, which he brought to share with us.

He also likes legos...and has a lot of them. Look at this car he built:
Here's a better view of it...
Joel told us he likes movies, especially James Bond... in particular, 007. He has seen 5 of the James Bond movies...but this blogging teacher has no idea how many James Bond movies there are. Anyone out there know?

Now this last picture makes me think of baseball games...or driving long distances in the car... do you know what I'm talking about?


Ok, I'll tell you. Sunflower seeds! Yep, Joel brought a big bag of sunflower seeds. He said it was 'like his favorite snack!"
Yum, Joel! You made me hungry for sunflower seeds!

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