Monday, September 26, 2011

Birds' nests

Hailee and Jillian
Our introduction to science this year was an observation of birds' nests!
Cole and Alex
Jullian and Rian
17 nests were set up in the library.  Room 5 was put in pairs and their job was to observe what the saw, writing it in a little booklet we had made, and then to try to think about what type of bird lived in the nest. 
Phoebe and Kyrie
"Ummm, let me think about this," thought Phoebe!
Andie and Alexis
Measuring the nest was one of their jobs...
Katelin and Kasey
...not only measuring how wide it was, but also the depth...
Julian and Tobias
Sean and Kyler
Serenity and Raine
They were to observe the colors of the nest, what materials it was made from, were there any other distinguishing marks?
Will and Anthony
All their data was recorded in their little books...
Josslynn and Brady

Mrs. P and Nathaniel
We had an uneven number of students, so Nathaniel was happy to work with Mrs. P.
Rian and Jullian
Every 10 minutes or so, the students would travel to a new bird nest...and start their observations and recording of data all over again...
Tobias and Julian

Cole and Alex

Kyrie and Phoebe

Rian and Jullian

Julian and Tobias
Kyler and Sean


Eric and Travis

Nathaniel and Mrs. P

Brady and Josslynn

Rian and Jullian
What a fun way to start our study of science! 

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