Sunday, September 25, 2011


Meet Sean!  Sean is the last of the Room 5 bags :(  I always hate when these end...)

Sean started his bag...with his box!  He told us, "Mostly every sticker I have I stuck on here."  Someone is Room 5 asked, 'What's in it?'   Sean answered, "Technically everything!  A chain and all these things on it, a bouncy ball, a silly band..."
He had all kinds of little things in that box!
Next, Sean shared his scorpion picture.  He said it was a boy-scorpion and he had to take him out of the jar to take this picture.  The mom scorpion had babies.  About this time, a Room 5er asked, "How did you know if it was a girl or boy scorpion?"

Sean's answer, "Well the girl had babies and the other one, didn't!"

Sean told us that all scorpions have a little poison, but babies have the most! 
Sean shared his Tony Hawk Tech Duck...
Believe it or not, this is for an iPod....  it's actually an iDog for an iPod.  This one that Sean's holding is from McDonald's. 
Sean brought some of his Pokemon cards to share.  He decided to only share one of the cards, but all in all, he probably has about 30.
This is a can take it apart and put it back together, although, Sean told us, you're not suppose to be able to do that.
This is a 'Cool Dog.'  Someone asked why it's called that, and Sean told us it was cool...sunglasses, etc.  He told us the Cool Dog helps him if he's feeling down or something.

He also shared his 'National Summer Time Award' that he got in Cub Scouts.  He used to be a Cub Scout, but not anymore.  He was one when he lived in Nevada.
Sean also shared a police badge that someone gave him.  He said it was made out of real leather.   This badge was the last item in Sean's bag, but as soon as he said, "That's it!", there was a mass of questions from Room 5 about his scorpions!  It was definitely interesting listening to Sean share his bag and learning so much about scorpions!

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