Tuesday, September 11, 2007

It's one of the few times that it's OK to jump out of a bus!

Room 8 had their annual 'Bus evacuation drill' today. Actually, it was the whole school, not just the super kids of Room 8.

First we sat in the bus and listened to Daniel, one of the bus drivers, tell us all about how safe a school bus is. We found out what to do in case of an accident...where all the emergency exits are...where the First Aid kits is...information like that.

We also learned - or most likely were reminded - of how to sit in case we have an earthquake while we're in the bus. A little demonstration is in order...note these two Room 8ers who would definitely be SAFE in an earthquake:
Just in case you're wondering, this is Trevor and Jacob...

The high point of the bus evacuation drill is usually THE JUMP... I did notice quite an INDEPENDENT STREAK in some Room 8ers. They were suppose to use the hands of Trevor and Jacob to assist in their jump, but I was informed that very few took this extra precaution.

In case of a REAL emergency, it would be important to get away from the bus...100 yards away from the bus. So that's what we did...now we know what 100 yards looks like.I'll end this post with a shot of one of our helpers...Trevor!


Anonymous said...

I'm Trevor

Anonymous said...

you look good trevor sinserly tyler

Anonymous said...

what up