Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Meet Madison

Madison shared her bag today. Actually we had three girls...all names starting with M. Madison was the 2nd to share.Madison told us how she LOVES to read. It seems most of room 8 already knew that about her. She brought this book because it is one of her favorites.
She brought a spatula (have you ever seen a blue one?) because she loves to cook! She even told us the basic recipe for her favorite granola. It uses honey.
She told us she had about a hundred stuffed animals, but this one is her favorite.
This little person is a witch. I think it was from a lego set, which she also loves. But this little witch reminded her of... I think it was a Harry Potter character. I think you have to love to read to read that series of books since they're SO LONG!

We enjoyed learning some more about Madison!


Anonymous said...

himadison !!!!!!!!!!!!!!0.32

Anonymous said...

I love to cook also

Anonymous said...

I love to cook

Anonymous said...

Madison loves reading so much that
she is actually happy to be sent to her room!!!!!