Monday, September 10, 2007

Meet Kyle A

Kyle started off showing us one of his video games. He told us he loves to play them. I think a lot of Room 8ers love video games...I just hope they are all still running around outside too...and reading, of course!

Kyle also told us about this Titanic book. He said he first read it, I think when he was 6 years old! He loved it so much, he would ask his mom to read it to him at night. He still reads it today! You know how I love to hear Room 8ers talk about loving to read!
Now this little guy is a cartoon character that I think all of Room 8 (except for their teacher) knew. I don't know his name, but he sure is CUTE. I asked Kyle to hold it up so I could get a good picture!
This blue bug is ... a giraffe beetle. It got the name because of its long neck. Kyle brought this FAKE insect in to tell us how he loves bugs. Wasn't that Kyle in our garden photo looking at a spider?

Games, bugs, cartoons...and reading! Now we know more about Kyle A.

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