Monday, September 10, 2007

Spelling in Room 8

I thought I would take the time to again explain about Room 8 spelling.

On Mondays, or the first day of the week, we do the 'Spelling Intro." Miss C did it for the first time today and did a SUPER job! We start off by just saying the spelling word, using it in a sentence, and then each student tries to spell it.

Once we've gone through the list, we go back to the first word and spell it out-loud. At this point, each Room 8'er is to be tapping their pencil on each letter they wrote. If they skipped a letter, they quickly insert it, if they put in an extra letter, they simply put a line through it.

Now we say the word one more time and spell it as we write it on the overhead. This gives the students time to look up to visually see if they spelled it correctly.

They MUST print...this is based on some brain research by a person named Rebecca Sitton. It works if the students follow the directions.

Once we've gone through the list, then it's time for SSCWC or "See, Say, Cover, Write, and Check" which is a process for writing their spelling words two times correctly.

That's all on the first day. 'See, Say, Cover, Write, and Check' is fun to say...and if your child is saying it fast, you may think they're learning some foreign language in Room 8 - but it's just English!

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