Sunday, September 16, 2007

Meet Michael

Room 8 could probably open a coin collecting business with all the Room 8ers who collect coins. Here we have Michael, showing us some of his coins!

Now I would definitely call Michael a 'gentleman' and here he is with a golf ball, which I believe is called 'the gentlemen's game'??? Michael said he hasn't played a lot lately, but he does enjoy the game.
Now,this little guy...I'm not remembering too well. Is it a lego? Michael, I need your help here.
This last photo is my favorite item that Michael shared. It's a toy from Ghana, Africa. His sister went there this summer on a missionary trip and this is one of the items she brought back for Michael. He demonstrated it for us. You hold one of the balls in your palm with the string and the other ball out through two fingers. Then you get a rhythm going as you toss the ball from side to side, letting it hit - or clap - the ball in the palm of your hand. Does that make sense?
We enjoyed getting to know a little more about Michael!

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