Saturday, September 08, 2007

Meet Elijah

Boy Scouts & Girl Scouts...seems Room 8 has quite a few... Elijah is one.

Elijah talked a little about Boy Scouts as he was showing us his Pinewood Derby car. He and his dad worked on it and it won FIRST PLACE! One of the secrets, Elijah told us, was the weight his dad put on the bottom. They also punched some holes in the top. I didn't understand that part, but Elijah said those holes helped it to go faster.

One room 8er asked if it was AERODYNAMIC. Elijah wasn't sure, but I assured him I felt it was with that great design!

In this photo, you can see the trophy for the FIRST PLACE finish of this Pinewood Derby car!

Elijah also LOVES bionicals. In this picture below, he shows one of his creations. I also thought Elijah was pretty clever to fold that bionical up to fit in his bag. That's one of the rules about sharing your bag...everything has to fit in a lunch sack.

We enjoyed hearing all about Elijah!

1 comment:

Mr. John said...

Room 8'ers,

Hi! I'm Elijah's Dad. You can call me, "Mr. John" because "Allenegui" ... well, "Mr. John" is just easier. I wanted to let you all know that the lead weight in Elijah's race car was to bring the weight of the car up to it's maximum legal racing weight . The holes in the back are "dimples", like on a golf ball. They help to break up any air currents behind the car that form a vacuum, holding the car back, just like a golf ball. If a golf ball were smooth, it wouldn't fly as far.