Thursday, September 27, 2007

Notice the scientists in Room 8?

We're starting a unit in Life Science. We explored the lessons in our first unit - on plants, the different parts (roots, stem, leaves) and how they get their energy from the sun, food chains, food webs, and micro-organisms.

We had quite a few different types of leaves to observe. Using our hand lens, we examined the leaves, recording what we noticed about their texture, color, size, and shape.
Casey O.................
Mae................ (don't you just love those braids?)
Cayla and Ralphie....................
Cayla and Ralphie....take two.........
Brenndan and Dillon........................
Michael and Edin....................
Carlo and Mary............. look at this measuring! Ahhhh, they are being ACCURATE!
Trevor and Madison..................

After we had completed our observations and recording, we discussed how a scientist might record this information.

Room 8 is excited about Science!

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