Saturday, September 08, 2007

Meet Jacob

Jacob also goes by Jake... I think that's what most of his buddies call him. I started off calling him Jacob because that was the name on my list before I met him. When I realized how most were calling him Jake, I asked him if he would prefer for me to switch to 'Jake'...he said it didn't matter. So, as you can see from the title of this post, I'm still with Jacob.
Here are two picture of Jacob in a I wonder which one is the REAL Jacob? Actually, from just two weeks of knowing him, I think it's both. Jacob is definitely one of our sports guys and I also see the fun-loving side of him. Room 8 wanted him to model the wild hat more...but he wouldn't.

Like I said, Jacob is a sports guy. Here he showed us some of his medals.
We also learned that he likes Chinese food...yum. He made me hungry. I noticed these chopsticks were joined at the top. He said there was a local restaurant that gave you these...but he didn't really need them since he knows how to use real chopsticks. I think I need some lessons from Jacob.

We had fun learning about Jacob and seeing him model caps!


Anonymous said...

Jacob has a fun life. It would be really cool if I lived his life.

Anonymous said...

Jacob looks funny in his poofy hat. It would be cool if he could wear the poofy hat around all day.

Anonymous said...

To Jake,from Carlo

Anonymous said...

you look really silly in the poofy hat casey 0

Anonymous said...

That is a very funny hat.

Anonymous said...

you crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!from trev

Elisha said...

Jacob, good luck with your cross country meet.
Love, Mom

P.S. The red and white hair is all you.