Friday, September 21, 2007

Teachers come in all shapes, sizes, and ages

Look at one of the teachers in Room 8:
This is of our teachers.

In math, we are working on rounding. Room 8 was ready for a challenge today. I THOUGHT I was giving them a challenge when I put up the number 184,999,993 and asked them to round it to the hundreds place. Now, it WAS a challenge for some, but Devin (and some others) knew exactly what to do.

I asked Devin to come up to the overhead and explain. In the first photo, he's explaining to Room 8 HOW to round a number like this, and in this photo below, he's writing the correct number.

The students in Room 8 are AMAZING!

Way to go, Devin!


Anonymous said...

Devin is an amazing teacher!!!
Mrs. C (room 7)

Anonymous said...

cool interesting and way to go


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Nice teching Devin!

Anonymous said...

Devin teaches me new things everyday. Thanks MOM