Sunday, September 30, 2007


Friday mornings in Room 8 will find us doing SET.

SET is a critical thinking activity that uses logic.

Cards are put on the overhead in a 4 x 3 grid. The cards have 4 attributes: color, shape, interior, and number of shapes on the card. The colors are: red, purple, green. The shapes are: ovals, squiggles, diamonds. The interiors are either solid, empty, or striped. There are either one, two, or three shapes on each card.

Now if that's not confusing enough - to make a set, EACH attribute must be the same on all three cards or different on all three cards.

Each set contains 3 cards. For each group of cards on the overhead, there are always 6 sets. We record them by naming the X-axis first. Once the SET cards are put on the overhead, the students have time on their own to try and find all 6 sets. They record them in their DOL journal. After a time, I call on students to read out a set they found. I record the found SETS on the board.
This photo is where a student has found 5 sets and recorded them in their journal.In this photo, I have recorded the sets different Room 8ers told me. We usually have a question we ask ... for example, when someone found a set this past Friday, we asked them what their favorite kind of food was. Jacob won the prize for the "most unusual fourth grade favorite food" with his choice of SEAWEED. I thought I was clarifying when I said, 'Do you mean sushi?' He said 'No, just seaweed.' OK.

Room 8 is AWESOME at finding sets.

Here's a puzzle...can you find all 6 sets?


Anonymous said...

I om RICEaRONI$$$$& more$$$$!!!!111 F-r-o-m

Anonymous said...

SET fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!