Saturday, September 08, 2007

Weeding in the garden on a sunny Friday afternoon

Mrs. B is the keeper of the garden. Well, I guess a more accurate description would be that she is a master in the garden. We went out with another 4th grade class to do some weeding. The garden had been neglected over the summer.

Mrs. B explained what she would like for us to do...and what area she wanted us to work in.
Kamren got right to work.
Now wait a minute...I wonder what Madison is saying to him?
Mary found a baby carrot when she was pulling out what she THOUGHT was a WEED!

I think this is Amber with Danielle. They were clearing out the weeds under one of the plum trees.
Um? This doesn't exactly look like weed-pulling, guys. I do believe they found A SPIDER!
Look what else we saw! A beautiful praying mantis!
It really liked Carlo. (That's Carlo's thumb!)
Here we are weeding along the north fence.
Normally, you're not suppose to pick California poppies since they're the California State Flower. But in this case, it's OK since we were weeding... A lot of the girls were putting them in their hair. I got a cute picture of Emily holding one.

Room 8 has 2 garden beds. I was asking Jacob's mom for some suggestions of what to plant. I am NOT a gardener, but I do want to take advantage of our beds. For the last two years, I haven't used them but loaned them out to some university students. Any suggestions would be appreciated...and if you would like to come work with us in our garden, that would be even better!


Anonymous said...

When we were doing the gardening Tucker didn't help.Insted he sat on a bucket.I asked if he could help.But he said " Get out of my face!"( I thought that was rude) Sincerly, Kamren

Anonymous said...

the picture of Emily with the poppy is beautiful Casey O

Judy said...

I so much appreciate how you always follow the rules and how kind you are to others. You keep that up and everyone will think highly of you!
Thank you for all your help in the definitely worked hard.