Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Today we wrote spelling sentences

Wednesday's are USUALLY our day for spelling sentences - although some weeks we won't even do them.

As you can see in this picture of our hardworking Mae, she has the pink paper next to her. These are the rules for writing these. We've gone over them a couple of times now, but I still tell room 8 to take it out so they can check off to make sure they've followed the directions.

This next picture makes me happy. This is Emily checking her QuickWord to see how to spell a word. Anyone is welcome to ask me or Ms C how to spell a word - AFTER they've first looked it up in their Quick Word.
Here are some sentences written by Trevor. These weren't finished...but I love that he already had his name up in the corner of the paper. We do have a few Room 8ers who FORGET to put their name on papers.

It's not a happy scene when a paper finally gets ripped because no one claimed it!

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