Thursday, September 27, 2007

Remember those stories about our friends? Here some of us read them to Room 8

The stories we wrote about our friends are about finished. Today, some of us who had finished, read them out loud to room 8.Edin...................

Many of you may be wondering why in the world your child came home asking about the day they were born.

I asked Room 8 today what they had told their parents about why they were interviewing. NOT ONE of them said the real reason! In ExCEL, we are reading 'Sarah, Plain and Tall.' In this story, Caleb, the young boy, keeps asking his sister, Anna, to tell him about the day he was born.

That's why we're doing stories on the day of our birth. Today, some Room 8ers shared how big they were and some stories they learned.

Now you know the reason...I'm looking forward to the writing of the stories! We won't really start the actual writing until next week.

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